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Corvair aero engines: The next chapter

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 24, 2011
I know we have some knowledgeable fans of the Corvair aircraft engine here, so here's a general question:

Yes, it is often stated that the world will never run out of suitable Corvair cases, heads, etc for conversion. But:
1) Are there any signs of somebody starting production of new cases and heads for this venerable engine design?
2) If somebody did produce new bits for aero use, is there some obvious/easy spot they could carve out some weight (i e some meat that is needed in cars but not important in airplanes?)

It's a fine engine and it would be great if it soldiers on a lot longer. We need affordable alternatives in the 80-120 HP range, and there's no sign that car makers will ever again make an air cooled engine and/or one suitable to turning a prop at direct drive speeds.
