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Bad day for Bille :(

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Bille Floyd

Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2019
I head South to San Bernardo Ca , to meet up with a flying friend that I've known since 1979 ; he tested + for COVID , and had to leave to a secluded place , and heal or die, on his own. That friend gave me the 11 year old Skywalk Chile Paraglider that I now fly ; so I was disappointed. I bin flying really good on this machine ; usually
top dog in altitude, and last to land against all the new $ 5-K machines to fly against ,every time i go up against at CSS , the club I belong to.

SO end that EGO in a hurry :
Wednesday the 13 (Triskaidekaphobia) , I was eating a sandwich, that a Bee had bin enjoying as much as me ; I bit down on both , and got stung on the bottom of the tongue. Ouch!!
I figured it was a Bad omen ; decided to Not fly . Dang I should never go against my intuition ; but the Lure of flight was just Too strong , and i jumped off a mountain with my Paraglider
just Anyway.!!! Bad decision ; I got Burnt Bad :

Bin flying close quarters to planet earth on Hang gliders since 1977, and Paragliders since 1989 ;and never blown a 360 into the side of a mountain , until the 13'th of Sept ; that day I impacted the hill.

Escaped with no injury to me or the glider ; packed up and started to walk out ...But My friends called search and rescue ; they were worried that I might be injured.

So here comes the Helicopters ; there close enough to see i am still Homo erectus and making my way down the 2000 ft vertical spine that I crashed into. I wave then off and point down the hill , (don't need or want your help) ; but they ain't leaving . GURRRRrrrr !!!
Finally after 13 passes , (get the irony ?) the loud speaker announces : Give it up ; it's a Free ride , and no sense of walking for, hours out.

You said FREE ? And I point to my packaged up Paraglider , ( indicating what of That?)... I count , one thousand one , two... and a full 12 seconds later they announce : Yea , You and your equipment !!!! Two thumbs up on that one , and here is how it ended ; Bille rescued from himself, and off into the sunset :

Now here is a totally Cool ending :
My buddies all decide that I'm too good to just crash into the side of the mountain ; it Must have happened because my equipment sucks. SOOoooo I end up with a newer Cooler more awesome Ozone Delta glider , to be gifted to me for free !!!!!!!!

Not bad ; for a total screwUp , on my part ?

Next Monday , I trade in the Paraglider, and go fly a 15-meter rigid-wing hang glider ; hope that flight goes a bit better than the PG.

Hope you liked my story ??

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