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(Aluminum) Heat Treat facility with min 27' quench tank?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2019
For the mods, yes i spent an hour researching old topics such as Round number for heat treatment? but this question is simple & specific enough to warrant it's own title, ( i think?)

Question does not intend to address price or "practicality", only ID facility(s) with the capability.

For restoration project, need to take 4ea 27' long spar caps from 2024-O to 2024T4.
L section caps exist.
There are lots of furnaces of more than adequate size at qualified heat treaters including locally.

Long enough quench tank under the furnace, not so much. (20' is longest id'd so far)

Proximity to NY state would be a definite plus.
Anywhere in NA if necessary, off-shore can be considered.