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Aircraft Hangar Lift Help

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Jan 18, 2023
Hi everyone
I've been lurking on the site for a year or so, have never posted anything but I have found a lot of helpful information.
I'm currently storing a Glasair Super II rg! I say storing because I haven't work on it for ten years. Mind you in that time i've restored 5 other aircraft.
The question or request I have is it possible anyone could provide a couple of photo's of a hangar lift? Where located in Newfoundland Canada and are hoping to build some sort of lift to provide additional space in our hangar. I've priced the Aerolift but with the purchase price the exchange rate on the money and SHIPPING it not possible at this time to make the purchase. But we do have the capabilities to build something similar, if anyone has one or a neighbor has one it would be highly appreciated. I have viewed pictures on line but a couple of detail pictures would be great.

Thank you