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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2012
Sometimes the dogs are harder than the people.
I've had lotsa dogs, most all of them good dogs and more terrier types than anything else. I loved em all and it was always hard when we lost em. Being terriers, they usually met some violent or mysterious death at a relatively young age. I never had to put one down til today. It's been needed for a while now but I just couldn't do it, hoping Mother Nature would take care of it. But he had so many progressive problems it got to the point that it wasn't right not to do it. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Dr Abernathy and I both broke down during the good bye. Tough, man...many of you know what it's like. I got big tears right now, but we can't wallow in it can we. JB always said "we enjoy them while they're here and hold the good memories after they're gone". Before long, we always think back about them with a smile. They just don't come any better than Rockie.

Son P and I picked him up in our RV8 from a breeder in Paragould AR, Dec 23, 2000. He was 6 weeks old...a Christmas present we gave ourselves. He was a fighter from the very beginning so we named him Rockie. He was tough as hell and never got whipped. But he wasn't mean, he never started it just always finished it. He moved to the hangar with me in the spring of 03 and we've been here ever since, best roomie and friend a man could ever ask for. I talked to him all day; he listened closely; never said anything in response but I knew he always understood...the best kind of company for a solitary hangar type. We got our Zenith 701 going in early 06 and he took an immediate interest in it; becoming the star of our utube channel...having been viewed 1000's of times by folks all over the world. He made those vids; without him they wouldn't have near the views. The Rockiedog2 channel is dedicated to his memory. I took him on his last ride a couple weeks ago and he slept contendedly thru most of the flight til trying to get up for the landing as he always did but not quite making it. It was all good tho.

I know some of you guys have had special ones that you remember and respect more than the others. I would like it if you would tell their story, if you want, here on Rockie's Memorial Page. Thanks for the closure guys.


November 2000- December 19, 2016
Rest in Peace my Friend