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500 Wh/kg

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2016
So we are here at last.

And it is not another will-be-mass-produced-someday-experimental-stuff, they are launching production now..

So - i did run numbers on a napkin for an tesla powertrain in a Rutan boomerang airframe before - where we had around 600 kg of weigth to be used by battery and controller and motors, and it was 30-40 minutes without reserve 250mph rocket using 100 kwh tesla battery at 212wh/kg. Achieving some of 200 miles range.. All maters same- now we are on 500 miles range. Or 400 with 100 miles reserve.

Or that nice ~ 125 kg package to replace rotax 912 with 60 minut 50 kw endurance.

Hopefully, it will not be used in drones only....