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1/2 VW plans

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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2014
Lizella, Ga
So who sells the best 1/2 VW cut case plans? I haven't yet decided if I am going to purchase an engine or build my self. I have access to some old cases, cranks and heads ( not serviceable at all) to practice with before destroying something new. I would like to look at some plans to see if it is within my skills and equipment that I have/have access to. For those that have built their own, what special equipment is required?
As far as cost goes, I know that I can build a nice motor for less than $3k. So there is the incentive verses $4k+ for one already built. I have built many stock and high performance VW engines 1600cc to 2332cc and never had a problem with any of them. Except one, a 2180 had a bad cam (from the factory) that decided to break but no major damage was done, and a 1914 that had an oil leak around the jugs from a bad block. (a new aluminum block at that).
So anyway chime in with your thoughts of the plans that you have purchased from where and about good or bad points about them.
thanks, Ken