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We have Holy Cows but can GOATs FLY?

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Aug 8, 2021
Hi All,
I am starting a thread that is certainly going to take time to pick pace. (thought I would let you know that right up front)

I am from India and have been nurturing a dream of building Mike Sandlin's GOAT. That dream has been on for a looooong time !

Lots of water under the bridge... a whole lot of turbulent and muddy water... NEXT YEAR I am going to give a "that final push" ...and hope to pop a baby in the form of the GOAT.

I want to have GOATs flying here in India. I HAVE A DREAM ( song from TANGLED LOL)

So this is just a first post to trigger any interest and questions and build a following.
... I will leave this post at this for now ... and get back to the grind and hustle of coming out of severe financial challenges.
Much love and gratitude to this platform