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Use of E-AB for flight training in a CLUB situation.

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Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 29, 2005
Orange County, California
Just outta curiosity... Those of you who know the regs better than I:

E-AB cannot be used for compensation or hire. Fair 'nuff.

However, you can pay an instructor to give you flight instruction in your own E-AB aircraft. The key point seems that you cannot charge for the use of the aircraft itself.

I'm thinking of my flying club. Our aircraft are owned by the club, which is a registered non-profit corporation here in California. We have a set of flight instructors who are also members of the club. Our instruction works like this:
  • The individual members pay the instructors directly for the flight instruction - the money doesn't pass through the club.
  • We do not charge any manner of flight-time charges or block-time charges for club aircraft. Use of the aircraft is free.
  • The only per-flight charge is for glider-tow.
  • Members do pay monthly dues, but the amount is always the same and is not related to how much they do or do not use the club's aircraft.
Could we use a club-owned E-AB aircraft for flight instruction of club members under this arrangement?