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UK hot kit planes list

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Feb 13, 2010
World traveler
The March 2022 issue of the UK LAA’s “Light Aviation” magazine gives a run-down of the most popular new UK kit starts for 2020-2021.

I was not surprised to see multiple Van’s RV types mentioned including the RV-8/8A series at the top of the list, but I was surprised to see the Sling 4 TSi Rotax 912iS-powered four-seater tied for first place.

Except for the other Van’s types with Lycoming power and the Sherwood Ranger with DMotor/Jabiru/Rotax 582 options, every other design on the list including the RV-12iS uses some version of the Rotax four-stroke engines.

The other kits are swoopy low-wing tri-gear types from Sling, Bristell, and Europa; variations on the Kitfox theme from KFA, Kitfox, and Lambert; and STOL high-wing types from Aeroprakt and Zenith.

I thought that snapshot might interest a few people.


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