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Turbo Corvair Conversion ..........Hypothetical

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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2014
Deep South
Lately my mind has been reconsidering engine options. Turbo engines seem to have a lot to offer if set up correctly.

The things buzzing around in my head (maybe I should have said rattling around :) ) are;

1. In a STOL aircraft configuretion, would it be best to set one up to add power for take off and
then have minimal or no boost at cruise to avoid high head temps for extended flying times.

2. Would it be better to use a smaller turbo or a medium sized turbo? Its my understanding that
the medium turbo would work fine in a range from 2500/3500 rpms and provide almost no boost
below that rpm. I also am given to understand that a larger turbo heats the intake air less than
a smaller turbo and helps alleviate the need for an intercooler.

3. Further I'm given to understand that a simple turbo system can be fabricated without the need for
a BOV or intercooler if someone is not attempting to make major power boosts. I think having
something like 180 hp from a 3000 cc Corvair stroker with some 140 hp heads would be my target.

What do all of you think and where am I going wrong............... :ermm: