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Trouble Starting a Hirth F-23

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Aug 17, 2012
Los Angeles
Hey Guys,

We're just finishing up an SD-1 Minisport, trying to run in our engine before we start flight testing. We're having some trouble getting our engine started though. Here is our engine, a 2 stroke Hirth F-23:


We've had trouble from the start, but we were able to get it started once by choking the carbs with our hands and having the throttle up halfway. It nearly took off. We didn't do our run-in process right then, so it's been a few days, but now we can't seem to get it running no matter what. We've messed around a bunch with the air-fuel mixture, the throttle, and with choking the carbs, but the best we can get is a few seconds of running on its own with some back-firing. One big question mark for us is this mystery screw on the carb that looks like the throttle, but is not. Here's a pic of the carb:


You can clearly see the throttle, the air-fuel mixture (lower left), and the mystery piece on the right. Idle is on the other side. Not sure if the mystery piece has anything to do with why we can't get it started, but we would definitely like to figure that out as well. It is a Mikuni carb, and we can't find the carb on any of Mikuni's sites (and when I called, the guy said he could only help with aftermarket products).

Any help from you guys would be greatly appreciated. Is there something we're doing wrong? Has anyone run into similar issues with the Hirth F-23?