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Thoughts on an all metal Jodel D9, Falconar F10 or Druine Turbulent Derivative? For Taller pilots!

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Jan 27, 2012
Glendale, CA
Hello All,

I am planning to buy an Avid CNC router before year end as I need to get my list of tools I need together as I will need the write-off. I already have a Tormach PC1100 I plan to finally set up this winter and a 100W laser cutter not for metal though. Anyhow, I was thinking it would be a good project to design something I could cut on the Avid that uses either the small Briggs type engine, half VW or O-100. I have always been a fan of the Druine Turbulent and the Jodel D9 but being tall it would never work for me so the thought came to mind to mod it a bit to work in metal and stretch the cockpit a bit for a taller pilot. Headroom is not an issue in either but a roll over bar would need to be made regardless.

I was thinking to buy a few sets of plans to study that are similar.
A set of the D9 and F10 for sure as geometry guides.

For the metal airplanes to study I was thinking:
Hummel H5 or Hummelbird
Teenie Two
BK-1 (designer passed away so no plans available other than 2nd hand)
Would love to buy a set of Onex plans off a builder who finished.
Thatcher CX4 ( I already have these)
Any others to consider?
Anyone have any on my list that is willing to sell?

If the polyhedral wingtips were retained in the D9/F10 it would be cool to have them fold up like on a Onex and also use the paddle aileron connection.

I will be in France for Christmas and if there are any plans built aircraft similar that are not sold in the USA (for litigious reasons as usual) I could buy them while there.
