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Thanks to Eric Mercer

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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2008
Had a little weekend to the coast. Stopped by to meet Eric Mercer and see his beautiful aircraft. I swear he took half his airplane apart just so I could see everything!
Not only was it a treat to see another Sonerai but having a chance to talk with a guy face to face who flies all the time was awesome! Thanks buddy......see you again very soon :)

On a side note. One of the things I'll take away from the time I had with Eric was just his smile about flying his plane. We talked about all the fine tuning he's made getting everything just right. But when we touched on his winter "to do list" he was quick to point out a very important fact. He loves flying this plane and maybe the "wish list" could wait a little longer so he can keep flying. Just wanna remind everyone that working on planes is fun, but make sure it achieves the goal of flying as much as you can.

I left very inspired. Thanks again!

Tony K
Thank You very much for your comments. Too bad the weather did not cooperate with our flight plans. You have a rain check, hopefully from Lincoln.
Speaking of my winter "to do list", after you left, I pulled the wings and got the plane ready to take home which I will do tomorrow (the forecast is for no rain). I should be back in the air in late April and the plane will go faster and look better (I hope).
I flew my Sonerai 41.2 hours this year. YooHoo!

Eric and Tony got it right

all the time invested in building and fine tuning a plane,must pay off someday...
and this someday must come soon...
the flight time is the ultimate goal...

there are plenty of goodies that one could want to install, that are almost only time and money consuming, with no impressive results on flight characteristics nor performance.
all these goodies will never end up on my to do list for the winter time...

In reality a sonerai will never be a RV.
and that is a very good thing, otherwise I could not afford to feed one...
But it is a very impressive and enjoyable little plane with unbeatable fun to $$$ ratio.
Build it simple and light and and enjoy it as it is.
the more you fly it ,the more you love it...

I like to read about sonerai pilots that met and shared the sonerai Spirit...

You're right Gaston, but for me a Sonerai is a poor man RV and an RV is a poor man Harmon Rocket. A Sonerai has about the same feeling of an RV4 except the controls are much lighter but I prefer the Sonerai .
Gaston, I love your choice of words. Brunopitts, it was all good until you mentioned Harmon Rocket. But, oh well, the Doctors must have toys, too.

I ever look forward to my day of parting the earth for the first time in my Sonerai. Today, I got a great deal on headsets and an electronic E6B. Still have to take the written, you know. Targeting Spring 2011 1st Flight.
the difference between you and I
is that I fly mine as much as my wallet allows me to (not much these days)
But on your side,
Your Sonerai didn't fly for the last 10 years nearly,because it's not RV...
and your Pitts S1 didn't fly neither for over the same length of time, because it's not an Harmon rocket...
And your mustang II probably didn't fly neither because it's not a Spitfire...

Every maintenance hour I put on my Sonerai is Flight time oriented, and pays off fast,That's the way it must be...

why should I dream of such birds I couldn't maintain and operate,???
should I blame my Sonerai not to be a RV or something else,I don't think so,
and I'm glad I can own, maintain and enjoy such a fantastic little plane...

so keep on dreaming of a Rocket,or a RV,while you say you prefer the Sonerai,but don't fly it either,
While I keep flying my poor man's Sonerai...

And the Sonerai is still a very good poor man's fighter, and every American / Canadian boy needs a fighter ;D.
I love the RV-4, but I have dreamed of a Sonerai since I was a boy and I feel privaledged to have one :D. Wish my dad could be here to see it :(.
pancho said:
And the Sonerai is still a very good poor man's fighter, and every American / Canadian boy needs a fighter ;D.

Yeah, it's a *great* little pocket fighter plane.. ;D