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So, what's my kit plane REALLY gonna cost when it's all done?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2014
Bay Area CA
I'm lolling around to see what budget I should expect for building a Sort-of STOL bush plane.

I want to do this kind of stuff:

But in reality, I will probably spend more time landing on, errr, more traditional landing spots. If I can get over the fence in 500' I'd say that'll do just fine.

So I looked at Just Aircraft, Zenith, a smattering of Cubs, and wonder again and again: how do I come up with an accurate estimate if I have never built a plane before and thus have no experience?

The carbon cub is well marketed. But the idea of spending $120,000 after its all said and done does not appeal to me at all.

Zenith also posts very enticing videos, makin me feel like I could put together one of these things in a long weekend (hee hee), their kit is so pristine and orderly looking.

Then I start looking at the details: add an engine, avionics, and poof, another $40,000

So I started working backwards. I like simple things. But I also do appreciate modern technology. For example I like UL power. And I like MCL Avionics iEFIS lite.

To my inexperienced mind, these types if things seem sensible. Not overkill. Not bottom barrel either (I'd like to get back home after my escapade, not be stranded and hiking out for 5 days).

So, if I figure: kit, engine plus mounts, sensors and so on for avionics, and I should be done, right? Do I absolutely have to paint it?

I gotta admit, for a newbie this kit plane hobby is a steep leaning curve. Been reading up on stuff for a while now and still feel utterly uninformed.

Thanks for any replies.