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RV-7 tail kit (HStab completed) plus tools [reasonable offers]

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New Member
Feb 4, 2013
Vermont, USA
It is with a heavy heart that I post but for now building her is not in the cards.

This metal was meant to fly so it is best to get it to someone on a faster build track than I.

This is a complete empennage kit (with serial # from Van's) for a Van's RV-7 (tailwheel) and Avery basic RV tool kit.

The Horizontal Stab is done except for a few rivets and the tips. All other components are unbuilt. The rudder included is not the modified rudder. Van's will send you a rudder upgrade kit at no cost (the rudder that comes with this can be used as a practice piece!)

A photo of the parts and tools is forthcoming, which I will post here. Guaranteed all parts included. Well over $3,500 paid in total.

Serious offers, please. Don't break my heart!

Shipping/delivery from Vermont, US can be negotiated.