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Rutan's Bommerang-like high altitude twin STOL concept?

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Active Member
Dec 20, 2009
Chengdu, China
Hi everyone,

What's your thoughts on the conceptual design of a high altitude twin STOL airplane using the twin safety method of Rutan's bommerang? This airplane would be specifically used in Tibetan-like area for observation, search and rescue, supply and medivac. Like the old saying about bush flying:"Fly an hour or walk a week." so speed is the least concern of this airplane, but superior high altitude STOL performance would be the first priority. The performance requirement list would be like:
1. able to take off and land within 700 feet or 200 meters at 13000 feet or 4000 meters.
2. twin engine. Ignore the single and twin safety argument. When you fly at that altitude around that terrain, you want a twin. Single engine out controllability must be as good as possible. What about in-line push pull twin configuration compared with Rutan’s Boomerang?
3. three-person useful load capability.
4. 2.5 hour fuel capability is enough for the mission.
5. 100mph cruise speed is more than enough really, even 80mph is OK, considering you can only drive at 30mph on the ground--not in a direct route like in the air.
6. very tough landing gear.

We have this airplane dream because we believe all the people have the rights to have the convenience of air support no matter where he or she lives and how much he or she earns or which ethnic group he or she belongs to.
Please don’t recommend a turbine airplane model. We simply couldn’t afford to use it.

Thank you

Xin Gou
Chengdu, China