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Restoring wrecked Super Pelican

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Nov 20, 2022
Hello my name is Brian and I recently made a trip to Canada to purchase a Super Pelican ultralight. It had been in a wind storm (I was told) and broke the small tie down rope and tumbled down a field. It came with replacement wing parts and replacement tubing and wing struts, no motor. I am new to the hobby but I think I have a great start. I purchased a new Generac 990 cc V Twin, a P.S.R.U. And a 3 blade 66” Ultra Prop 2. The plane is the same blue and yellow Super Pelican that I fell in love with pictures of from the internet years ago, just wrecked though. If you google Super Pelican my plane is the blue and yellow one in the pictures. The previous owner sold the motor and lost interest. I joined our local airports E.A.A. Chapter and I am renting 1/2 a hangar to work in. I am excited to join homebuiltairplanes.com and would love to see any pictures of your projects. I am new to the internet and will be getting my wife’s help soon to post pictures of my plane and hopefully progress. Thank you again, Brian