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Open cockpit

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2006
Hi Guys

someone ever built something like an open cockpit alternative,
quick change over with the standard configuration...

maybe it could be possible to do...
I keep dreaming...

Probably flying within a week or so...

A point to consider is the airflow that is disturbed by open cockpits, and the standard sized sonerai vertical tail. I had a few very tense moments with a Cassutt racer having a canopy come loose...the elevator and rudder control almost totally went away...Ed
it wouldn't be a pleasure to fly..
and it wouldn't be a sonerai anymore...
so I'll keep it as it is now ...

Ed... was your canopy gone or hanging in the airflow ??

Jim Hardy (original builder of Juergen's SI) flew his as an open cockpit for a while. I will see if I can dig up his email and post it.

I had a picture of it as an open cockpit on my Sonerai website years back. It will take some serious digging, but I will see if I can find it ;).
Lets see if this works
do you have an idea of the reported flight characteristics
of this plane ??
this little open canopy seems a good compromise...

this could be a nice winter project...

you are right Mike...
if all keeps going as planned,I should be flying next weekend...
I'm in need for flying ...

Gaston, My canopy opened and swung over and hit the wing. The airplane immediately started into an outside loop, at which time I apparently yanked back enough on the stick that the canopy swung back and hit me in the head, and I grabbed it by the internal handle, and more or less held it shut partways till I could get the PIOs stopped and do a keyhole and land. Was kind a hard to work the throttle, stick, and hold the canopy at 400 feet altitude, but I got it down and stopped o.k....
In an old Sport Aviation Magazine Greg Ericson, who used to be involved with John Monnett quite a bit, described his dealings with an Open canopy on a Sonerai 2...I think I remember his situation also involved the airplane pitching over violently as well....Ed
The link Jeff posted to Jim Hardy's site was very interesting. Jim it seems dropped and broke his canopy b4 installation. Instead of waiting for the new canopy he cut off the broken parts and installed it as a windshield and flew his trial flights open. He said it was an advantage at the time because he could not have worn a helmet in a closed canopy. Ed the issues of the canopy coming open in flight lead to the FAA advisory on installing a locking mechanism of any sort on the canopy latch, isn't that right?
Thanks guys for the comments...
very instructive

Pete...Its Kinda hard for the FAA to issue any design ruling on a particular safety latch on an experimental canopy. In my case the safety latch popped off, as it was worn tot he point that it became unreliable,,and after my event, it was redesigned..Ed
Hi Ed........Not that they called for a particular latch, but in Oct 2005 there was a NTSB accident: NYC06CA021 The FAA issued a Special Airworthiness Information Bulletin: CE-07-44 in response. I only mention this for new people coming to the group so they know that the NTSB and FAA web sites are good places to go to look for safty and regulation info. There was a similar canopy latch failure that resulted in a second SAIB that covered just the chamfering of the end of the rod that closes the canopy. Not our plane directly but so close it was worth noting. ;)
Pete...Good info.....And I am fairly picky about canopy latches on small airplanes with small tails these days for sure!!! My Veebee has 3 latches...Ed
My experience with an open canopy is similar to Ed's. Mine popped open at the Huntington W.V. race. The plane instantly dove towards the trees on the back stretch. Those trees are below the level of the runway because that airport is built on top of a mountain where they kept shoving the top over the edge until there was a spot flat enough and long enough for a runway. If it had happened at a flat airport, I would've hit the ground at 170 MPH. I pulled 7G's (picture proof of the G-meter) to keep from hitting the trees. I then left the couse and pulled the canopy down and landed on the other runway. I had to hold the stick with my knees to cross over with my right hand to throttle back some at first and then on final a second time to idle....................Dave Patterson...Race #88

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