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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
Mojave, Ca, Chandler AZ
Hello all,

My name is Michael and I have a weakness for homebuilt airplanes of almost all types, though I am primarily a "tube and rag" guy...

I'm an A&P, a second generation EAA'er (well, I was) and have worked on military jets for my entire adult life (20+ years). I'm drawn to this forum because it appears to cater to the true experimental spirit that seems to be long gone from the EAA and the "kitplane" movement.

Though I own a Hiperbipe and have unlimited use of an RV-8, I really enjoy dreaming up, building, and testing modifications to them. I've found that many of the type specific forums tend to frown on that kind of thing, so I hope to experience some true "figure it out and build it" kind of discussions here.

I'm also currently building an aircraft based upon the bones of a salvaged PA-22 carcass, and I have a Starduster Too on the back burner. Finally, I am working on a "go fast, cross country" vehicle for my wife and I that will resemble a hybrid Harmon Rocket/Extra 300. I'm employed as a System Engineer, so I'm developing the requirements document and initial design studies only at this point - It's just a paper aiplane currently.

I hope to learn a lot, perhaps contribute a little, and maybe we can all move forward as a result.