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New Member
Dec 25, 2020
Good morning, happy holidays. My name is Tristan and I'm in the Navy and looking to one day build my own aircraft, single prop and also obtain a pilots license through the GI Bill. My only concern is that I'm no air framer or mechanic and do not know the components mechanically for a motor/engine in an aircraft to run. I know the fundamentals of flight and aircraft familiarization but willing to learn the mechanics side of it all. I would like to be pointed towards a thread where someone may be explaining the mechanical side of an aircraft when it comes down to a single engine, single prop aircraft. I've been looking at build plans and wanting to put my own spin on the frame to my liking. I know the electronics and aerodynamics but would like some assistance on the mechanical side of it all. What parts are required to get an aircraft going besides speed, lift and propulsion. What type of motor is recommend and what parts should go along with it as in say a driveline type of part to a car or transmission, exhaust. What all do I need to get this going? I know once I can achieve this side of it all I can get right to it.