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My 1st post. I own a Sonerai IIL & need advice.

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New Member
Jan 6, 2021
Hi guys, this is my first post. I own a Sonerai IIL & need advice on engine options. I bought it wrecked for $500. It has some fuselage tubes that got bent. I TIG weld so that's no problem to fix. The Sonerai IIL is designed for a VW Type1 engine. I had a fully built automotive race VW Type1 engine for it that burned up in my house last year. So now I'm exploring the option to put a Honda L15A engine in it. The L15A weight is really close to the VW Type1 engine. maybe even lighter. Anyone know what needs to be done to the L15 engine itself (not including exhaust and intake) to use it in an aircraft, or is it pretty well good to go in stock form using a reduction drive? I'd like to hear from someone with actual experience with this engine. Thanks!