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Murphy Yukon or Alternative

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Mar 13, 2019
Hey everyone,

I'm pretty new hear, but figured this might be the best place to look for information (and join a community that seems to be quite amazing!). I searched the forums for about an hour and a half (and another 2 hours just rabbit-holing into discussions), but didn't come up with much. If this is a repeat, please point me in the right direction and you'll have my apologies.

I have been looking at building my first plane, and have a few things I'm trying to look for. I've always been a hands-on kind of guy, so I'm not overly intimidated by the build process, plus I live in an area with a lot of EAA guys and they are all pretty nice. One of the things that are a requirement for the build choice, though, is m wife wants us to have a plane that can fit the four of us (wife and I and two kids) so we can still do things together. I personally wanted a tailwheel, STOL-ish type plane, or at least one I can take off airport (within reason. I'm not a "Gotta put it down on this 150-ft mountain top" type of person). Living in Arizona, there is plenty of beautiful country to check out and possibly spend an overnight at, and would love a plane that can fit both missions.

After a lot of bouncing around, I found the Murphy Yukon as a potential fit for what I'm looking for. It's a 4-seater, seems rugged enough for off-airport ops, and is within a reasonable price range for me. My problem, though, is that I can't find a lot of information on it. I have heard Murphy is a solid manufacturer, but I can't really find a lot of Yukons that have been built. I sent a message to Murphy last week (or maybe it was Sunday, the days flow together sometimes), but haven't heard anything back yet. Some things on their site seem to be broken (I couldn't get the Purchase Agreement to come up), so I'm just a little in the dark about what kind of company they are and if it's a good option.

I'm also open to alternatives if anyone has any that fit those missions. I *NEED* to have a 4-place or higher, and I would *LOVE* it to be able to go off-airport. STOL capabilities are a big plus (~500ft landing and 300-400ft takeoffs), so if there are any suggests, I really appreciate it!