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Mini Straton D7 info

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2009
I live on a 44 foot sailboat near West Palm Beach
I just bought a mini straton d7 motor glider. I have a lot of questions about them if someone here is knowlagable on the type. mine may need a new engine. it has an A032 TCM four cylinder on it with a folding prop. it weighs in at 318 pounds right now. Not sure that it can be lightened back up for part 103. maybe arotax 277 and a few parts tossed out. this is the original with the wood wings.the info on the weight and balance sheet says at 318 it can only carry a 170 pound pilot and 12 pounds of fuel. I weigh in at 185 and want to carry five gallons of gas. either the plane or me will need to go on a diet. this one does not have the cables that go from the struts to the tail either. was that added later as an ad or were they not needed on this model? i wont be happy untill I find a set of factory prints on it and go over every square inch of it. from what i have learned you can only get about 17 hp out of thos little 032 s. that would be enough but at what i believe is around 70 pounds it may not be a good choice for this plane.
so if anyone can point me to prints or info I would be very happy.

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