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martin eduardo

New Member
Aug 11, 2019

I've created this post because a mate and me are developing a project for our titulation. The project consist in developing a wing (2000mm of wingspan) for a canard airplane that is planned to be used for microgravity experiments. It will be dropped vertically from a certain altittude (hot air balloon) then at some point it will start to land horizontally. So I want to use this post to ask some questions, take advices and read anything helpful.

1- When the airplane is dropped from the hot air balloon, will the airplane reach an acceleration close to gravity acceleration despite the air drag? If the answer is no, I would like to know what is the best way to design the wings to avoid or reduce this issue? Or if it just can be solved by adding an engine?

2-How do we ensure that the airplane will always fall perpendicular to the ground and won't be "affected" by crossed air?

3-I would thank if anybody knows what's the best and easiest landing route to this situation. Also if anybody i s into structural analysis we would like some advices, software and ideas to analyse the wing in all the stages of the process for example: when we drop the airplane, when it starts to move for the landing, and landing.

4-What could be the best option for the carry through structure bending beam or wing box? How can I set any of this configurations on the fuselage? Do I have to sectionate the fuselage in two pieces or does the wing have to be installed in parts?

5-How many and which control surfaces do I need for the landing?

Martin Martinez.