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Market survey for a new semi-acro kit plane

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Oct 18, 2012
hi guys, i'm new on this forum
first of all, sorry for my english, i'm italian and maybe some stuffs that i'll write will sound terrible at your ears :para:

my name is Marco, i'm studying for a master in Aeronautical and space engineering at Politecnico di Milano.
for one of our last classes, me and a group of other students must project a new semi-acrobatical kit plane.

Since kit planes are not very common in italy (and in europe aswell, maybe you could help me understand why) i'm searching on the internet to contact pilots/builders and buyer of this category of planes.
The project should start with an analisys of the current market to determine the characteristics of the new plane.
I'm writing here to hear your opinion about this kind of planes: could you spend some time to help me?

i would like to know what kind of characteristics do you look at when buying a new kit plane: do you focus more on the price or on the performance/overall look of the package? Do you prefer to do all the "dirty job" or it's better for us to design a plane that will be shipped pre-assembled? (but still in the 51% rule)
is there a "golden rule" that lead you to choose one kit plane instead of another one?
What are the most common problems that you faced when building a kit?
what will you look at if you would buy our kit?

i didn't see many acro kit-planes on the market; do you think that could be a good choice for us to focus mode on that area?
would you buy a good acro kit (a plane that could manage up to +6g) and that has a good couise stability aswell?

i'm also trying to collect new ideas about this type of planes, since we would like to make something innovative/interesting (and it's not so easy since the market is quite full of kit planes). Have you got in mind something that you would like to see on a kit plane and hasn't been introduced yet?
feel free to write anything (remaining into the "legal" area...i also would like to have a plane that could blow flames but sadly it's not possible :gig: )
we are looking for combinations of layout and materials that could fit the needs of the market

i'm hoping that you'll reply to this post, this could be a great help to start our oproject

Thanx in advance

Marco Generali