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Looks like it is Corvair power for my Vari-EZE

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Mar 6, 2021
I have just about given up on finding an 0-200, but sourcing a Corvair core was as easy as driving an hour, handing over cash money, and driving home. I have spoken with both William Wynne and Bill Clapp and read both thier works on the Corvair as a flight engine. At this moment I am tipping heavily towards using Bill's 5th bearing and stroker crank to come out with a 3.0 liter-ish motor.
I am curious about the engine mount, and if anyone has done this setup before I would love to see some pictures!
One thing I know I will have to do is make the move from the NACA duct/updraft cooling to downdraft cooling via upper cowl mounted scoops.
I plan to use EFI and Bill has me very nearly talked into going turbo!

I will start the teardown process this coming week and then get ready to start sending bits and pieces all over for the needed machine work, cryo-treating, etc. Obviously this will be a "process" and there are lead times that are likely to lengthen rather than shorten, but I *hope* to have the engine assembled and running on a test rig by late fall.