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Kolb Firefly/Firestar fuselage questions

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Jay Dub

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2019
Out flying
I've read the history of Kolb pdf and gathered some info but there are some blurry parts in my mind.

I know the Firestar started out as a UL with a 277. Then they made them heavier with a 447 and 503 in the "fat ultralight" years. Then they differentiated between Firestar 1 & 2. Then, to make a legal UL Kolb did something to lighten them again and made the Firefly model to hit legal weight with a 447.

Does anyone know if the early Firestar fuselages (and even later ones) are the same dimensions and tubing thicknesses as the Firefly? IIRC I read somewhere the weight was reduced in the wings for the Firefly but that might not be true so I'm seeking advice.

What brings about all my strange questions is that I have a lead on everything for an earlier Firestar with everything included but the fuselage. Without a fuselage and serial number I can't determine much as the current owner is at least the 2nd or 3rd owner or even later. I'm wondering if the wing has the same chord between the Firefly/star models or not and would it connect up just fine? In other words, can Firestar wings, tailboom, tail, etc fit on a Firefly fuselage or do I have to stick with the Firestar fuselage? I want to keep it light and under 254 lbs if possible. It comes with a 447 so it's possible it could already be a Firefly but how would I be able to tell? Is the tailboom a different dia or thickness on the Firestar 2?

And lastly, does anyone have or know of someone who has a fuselage with landing gear they'd like to part with that will fit the Firestar wings and tail? I have experience cutting out bent tubes and welding in new ones on certificated and homebuilt planes so a wrecked/bent fuselage is OK as I can repair one as long as it's not all rusty/crusty.

Jay Dub