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Just an idea...

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Hi all together

I recently saw some pictures of planes like Custer's channelwings, or the Edglely Optica... and after a few days there was something like an idea forming in my head. (by the way: i really hope that my school-taught-english allows me to really make what i imagine... If that's not the case -> please ask!)

WHAT IF you build up a plane somehow similar to the Optica with the engine and esp. the prop more or less 'between' the wings, and then deflected the whole thrust from that prop to the sides so it blows a nice wind over the upper surface of the wing.
Having something about Venturi and Bernoulli in the back of my mind: Shouldn't that generate lift? Or to dream on: Would it be possible to build a VTOL-plane just by deflecting the thrust of the propellor to bith sides during landing and takeoff?

I played around with some numbers..... but as I
1. am a pure autodidact (somhow unsure of what he's calculating sometimes)
2. have no real data or at least a guess of the different dimensions (e.g. the speed of the air blown over the wing surface),
I didn't come to reliable results. (The results I got told me OK, BUT as I wrote earlier I'm quite far from being anything like firm with aerodynamic calculating):lick:

So...... .... any opinions?


ps: I'm working on some images of what i have in mind... they'll come later