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I'm envious of you guys....

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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
Does anyone else ever read the magazine articles / websites and see EAA chapters and individual groups of guys that are building and flying together and then feel a bit envious of them ?
The Dawn Patrol,The Flying Cowboys...etc.
No.....just me ???

Many years ago,before the FAA ruined ultralight activity,there were large groups of guys building and flying together around here,they were comparable to car & motorcycle clubs......they even had an official group : The B.U.G group...Bluegrass Ultralight Group...it was awesome.
But once the FAA changed their rules and ultralight instruction became next to impossible to find,well,those days faded away....never to return.

If you read Kitplanes magazine you will see the Dawn Patrol doing their thing and having fun or check out the web and watch the Flying Cowboys out tearing it up and having a blast.

I belong to the local EAA chapter and while things are getting a bit better,at a snail's pace,there just doesn't seem to be any bond between the members.
It's impossible to get anyone to commit to a common project or devote their time for anything productive.
There are 3 individuals building projects in our Chapter,I am one of them,but they are doing it alone because nobody shows any interest towards building or anything that isn't a certified aircraft.

Am I the only one that watches other groups build & fly together and then feel a bit envious of them ?
