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Hybrid light aircraft - Why no one did try that?

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Active Member
Aug 18, 2015
Canada, Québec , montréal
(i got a low level of english)
I remember when i was young i totally set in pieces and grand father style clock. wich was using pandulum and weight to use use gravity has a motion.
Then i oppened an grand mother style clock. wich has a spring to turn + pandulum to get the motion.

The things here is that they use 2 kind of motion to get it right in time. I know that there is Gyroplane with use helicopter propeller and a plane propeler but both motion come from gas combustion.

Here is my idea. Cumulation of micro forces is the key of the most green and reliable light aircraft.

Else that viral video of the guys flaping wings with is arms that finally was a hoax, most of man powered aircraft use there legs to power the plane. there is probably a way to also use arms has a second motion forces.
Also i see guys getting out of the plane out of energy due to the need of constant power.

So why dont we mix man motion + electrical motion like some electrical bike. As simple as this you use your leg and arms to refill a baterry bank wich doesnt need to big has big has a fully electrical aircraft.

Problems with man powered aircraft actually is the super size of the wings and the light materials cost. Controlling speed with his legs is kinda a hard job. Instead if your battery bank is full and you are out of legs power you can actually take a brake.

Now, let's talk about the Solar energy plane named Solar Impulse 2. wich use battery bank and also solar energy to make them last longer.

Regular humans can produce (in general) 100 watts per hours of pedaling. 2x 250watts solar panel wich has a Al frame will give you some more power but you don't need to cover the full plane of it. Also it can fit in the wings(only problem here is the wing flexibility wich solar panel probably can't sustain). Flexible solar panel isn't good enough yet.

Cool things is you can land, then simply continue using the legs and arms bike generator + that solar panel to fill your battery and you are good to go again.

Let's talk about the weight of all that. Battery bank - electrical engine - alternator - flywheel - Bike speed change sproket transmission - Arms ramp for the arms motions - Solar panel + its charge controler

Yeah i know about all these weights but what about the wings need? This plane won't need super long wings to sustain it self in the air like others 1x motions plane.

We need hybrid rigid wings and flexible wings tips, only the middle section with the solar panel will need to be rigid.

Arms motions - the bike sproket wich alow on 1 side power will be awesome for arms ramp. you make 2 vertical hand hanger wich can slide foward and back ward. All leg motions is linked to a flywheel shaf behind and seat and you simply add 2x 1 way bike sproket on each side. Chain will be hatched on bothe side of the hanger probably inside the ramp it self and ther other tips goes under in a black poly tube to prevent hurting ur self or get stuck. when you pull it will transfer it directly into the fly wheel then you can upgrade speed on the legs sprocket.

So you how you control the plane? Arms motions is totaly optional. but when in straight line you just need to lock your control with wich ever system you can imagine and add some arms juice to your battery bank.

Why generating electricity with human motion? Because it can fit it size! Electrical motors with a battery bank will lift X but that X include the pilots weight. While man electricity power rely on its weight AND strenght wich is way better.
Im actually around 115kg wich is way far from being a nice weight for a light aircraft pilots but i am strong, i can push 200lbs on bench and i do lots of bike and i can run fast for football hold line players shape. Since i got big bones and lot of fat even if i burn all those fats i will never reach 65kg. 80kg will be for me an healthy weight.

So human electricity motions will fit the size, strenght and endurance of the pilots and all that by keeping the same output power from the electrical motors. The only factor here will be the time you can sustain this plane in flight by the electricity generated. Wign span will also need to fit the heaviest pilots.

Again i still think the cumulation of the micro forces is the best reliable power you can get for a ''green'' aircraft.

What you guys think about that idea? All those planes already exist, human powered, the solar impulse and electrical aircraft like Lazair.

One of my friends wich is in physics ask me why don't you fill the rigids wings part with heliums or hydrogens wich is also an micro forces. (Helium and hydrogens production isn't just that green)
I can work make an 3D version with a freeware programs and don't be afraid to ask question or leave comments on why its not a good idea? or do you know any additional micro forces i could add.

Thanks and again sorry for those english grammar mistake i could have made.

Olivier Campeau