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How well do we really understand the materials we use ??

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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2014
china is my home , place of work but was born in N
Is the glass we buy true to the weight that's specified by the supplier?? in a lot of cases its not ! so with lighter materials being used here does any one do any checking ??
The core materials ,specially foams does anyone make and do any kind of testing ?
has any one done any bending tests ?
what about shear ??
The peel -ability of glass off foam is really scary !!!
The cure and general use of the resins every one is using do's any one take any notice of the weather conditions at the time ??probably not !!
Even on a hot day but high humidity you left wondering why is my resin so slow !
Humidity and temperature play a major role in the eventual and final cure and its eventual strength and hardness !!!, Specially humidity !!!
That glass you just used was it really dry ??
Same when mixing fillers and glues, did you realize most of the dry ingrediance absorbs moisture?? no one ever takes any notice !
Talc, Aerosil ,carbosill and Q cells all absorb moisture !!
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