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HELP! Im an RC veteran who wants to make the transition into ultralights!

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Dec 2, 2010
somewhere in the airspace over Highland Park Illin
hey! Viking here, in need of help and tips!

lets start off with this, I'm planning on building a Beaujon Enduro, it seems a suitable ultralight, due to its simplicity, and low cost. I already understand the basics of flying, having built and flown models for the past 5 years. And I am in need of a few tips from the experts,

1. do I need a license to fly in class G airspace?
2. If I follow the instructions exactly, will I have a safe, airworthy craft?
3. if not, what changes should I make?
4. Is insurance necessary? or will it cause my health insurance to skyrocket?
5. any tips and tricks you can give?
6. If you could, how would you modify this design?

Thanks all!
-The Viking