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Adam Mortimer

New Member
Sep 3, 2019
Greetings everyone, I'm Adam and I'm completely, 100% unqualified in aircraft design and construction. I am as green a greenhorn as can possibly be imagined, but my goal is eventually to gain the skills necessary to develop and build a simple, reliable light aircraft for occasional jaunts into the air.

I recently moved to the United Kingdom from sunny South Africa at the ripe old age of 19, and in my months here I've been lucky enough to attend some airshows and get into the cockpits of some fairly unique aircraft that I would never have expected to see, let alone sit in! My prior knowledge of aviation is mostly limited to what I've read, but I am building hours on gliders and aiming towards going solo, which has been an absolute joy so far.

My immediate goal is to begin gathering information on designing and building a light aircraft, and eventually draw up a design once I'm happy that I can design it to a safe standard. I've ordered lots of books on the subject and I hope to get through the list in good time before even thinking about actually drawing up a plan. This plan is still 100% hypothetical - I have neither the tools, the experience, nor the money necessary to actually construct an aircraft, but I'm fairly certain after reading up that I could at least design one, and later on actually try my hand at construction, when I'm happy to let the CAA oversee the process.

I'm hoping to glean some experience from this forum, as hands-on knowledge of homebuilding is invaluable stuff - especially to a complete newcomer such as myself. I'm aware that what I propose is probably a long shot, starting from zero as I am, but I'm certainly willing to give it a good try and I think this forum is a good place to talk about it!