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gyrocopter control simplification

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New Member
May 3, 2015
the town of noneya, business district
i thought of something, but i dont know how practical it would be. so i figured i would submit it for comment from the community. Gyrocopters' rotor usually have two controls, via the swashplate. pitch and roll. but i was thinking, is roll really all that neccissary, considering how much closer a gyrocopter is to a plane than a helicopter? (the gyrocopter acts more as a wing than a form of propulsion, while the jet/prop engine pushes backwards to allow it to fly continuously) the pitch control is ofc important for the gyrocopter's construction, as the blades always need to be be pointed into the wind. but i was wondering, is the roll function in the main rotor really 100% neccissary? what if u just replaced that with aileron controls in the tail, and simplified the main rotor controls to more of a pivoting lever dealie? thus simplifying construction and thus reducing weight, cost, and complexity of materials and tools required. but again, im not sure if this has been done and how much success was had, or would it not work or be dangerous, or whatever?