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Golden age classics in tube and gusset

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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2011
Las Cruces, NM
A recent thread has got me thinking, again, about a golden age classic done in tube and gusset (or maybe TP style). Something that wouldn't have a lot of tricky bends or too many fittings. It'd have to be simple with a flat wrap windshield etc.

9865.jpg maybe a 1:1 Monocoupe 70 like Cavelamb's idea

414937936_tPcjD-L.jpg Scrshot0015-760x573.jpg or a 5/8 to 3/4 scale Robin or Cessna AW

Fairchild_FC-2W.jpg cavm-4887.jpg project-FC2W2-img1.jpg 1/2 scale Fairchild F2

Avro--F-lift-off.jpg IMG_9161.jpg It's pre-WW1 and should probably be done in wood, but the AVRO-F would work well.

Any other ideas on good candidates? ...the world needs more than the current GL and AA offerings.