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Friendly Competition Ideas?

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Tiger Tim

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2013
Thunder Bay
Last weekend the local COPA chapter (for those unfamiliar, think AOPA with maple syrup drizzled on top) held a very successful wings and wheels event. Great community outreach, lots of folks coming to see the handful planes and rows of classic cars that showed up, expensive but busy food truck, overall just a great day that had little to do with the core idea of the organization that hosted it. Seems they’re all like that, doesn’t it?

Afterwards while helping clean up and no one was left but the COPA folks, I couldn’t help but ask if they’ve ever thought of holding an event for pilots. Crazy, right? Turns out they hadn’t but most were pretty excited by the prospect.

If you were going to hold a friendly competition for pilots, at an airport, before the end of this summer, open to all who are allowed to fly, and didn’t want to have to take out reams of special regulatory waivers, and didn’t want anyone to kill themselves in the name of victory…

…what would that competition be?