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Free Build Logging Software Offer

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Nov 28, 2010
In the spirit of keeping things cheap and homebuilt i developed my own build logging
software and are now offering a limited number of licences to other homebuiltairplanes.com users for free.
I am currently building a bearhawk but some of the files and discussions here
have helped me over the years so i wanted to give something back.

Some of the features are:

* One click web publishing to share your log with friends on the
plane-builder site.
* Automatically resize and populate your logs with up to 6 photos.
* Import your current log from Kitlog (Current kitlog version
* Choose to make your log viewable to others or not.
* An expense module to plan and track upcoming and past expenses
and suppliers.
* A document library to keep track of all your build related
documents and invoices.
* Generate and print your log in editable 'word' format for
inspections with multiple format options (additional templates can be
added as they are developed).

I have a test log on the site so you can see how it looks <here>
<Buildlog | Plane-builder> (my main log is on a test
site so i kill mine before i mess up anyone elses.)

I am letting my fellow builders have the software for free (i have
limited the number it so i dont overload the server so would prefer
active builders), if you are interested in using it please go to
plane-builder.com <Getting Started | Plane-builder> and use the promocode
homebuiltairplanes and you will get a free licence.

Let me know of any issues or feedback and i will help you through it.