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Franklin engines: any good?

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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2014
St.Rober, MO
I originally wanted to build a rotary for my project, but not having access to a machine shop and all the PSRUs that I know of getting discontinued by the manufacturer had me looking into conventional engines. I found a few Franklin engines used in the 150-180 Hp range that don't cost like they're made of gold. The plane I want to start building actually listed Franklin as a match to the air frame. I have only ever flown Continental equipped Cessnas so how would they compare?

Are parts going to be hard to find? How is the reliability and economy? I'm not completely ruling out a rotary, but if I cant find a good redrive then it won't be a good choice for me. It seems like it would be easier seeing as how the plans already accommodate these engines, but a rotary is cheap to rebuild and can run auto gas all day long. For a less common powerplant, I worry about overhaul costs.