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Flying Wing for Search and Rescue

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New Member
Oct 27, 2014
Hey Guys,
I've been working on designing a flying wing UAV since 2 months now. Human search and rescue using an autonomous drone is the prime objective of this project.

First Prototype.
One of the major aim of our project is to show how a visual human detection system that uses images from a normal camera can be implemented in software. The system would fit into the larger context of disaster management and more specifically how it can benefit search and rescue operations.
So the first prototype was made but it couldn't fly all that well. The tips stalled while rolling(probably because of no twist and less sweep) and led to a disastrous crash. As soon as our first prototype failed we got down to designing the second version.
I need some advice with the design of the second air-frame.

Currently I'm using E334 for the root section and MH 49 for the remaining plane. I'm using a twist of around -4 degrees and I've a non linear variation throughout the wing. First one third has 1/3 of the twist. Next 1/3rd has the same amount and the last 1/3rd has -4
Also I'm using a symmetrical profile for the tip because it performs well for -ve aoa as well.
Although the problem is when I applied the pankin twist formula to this design it churned out -9 which reduced the performance drastically.


The one with the points is the current prototype.
The problem is I'm not really confident about the design and I don't want to take risks after my first crash. So I'd like your general opinion on this design and also any suggestions that would help me improve the design.

I've been reading a lot of this forum lately and this finally decided to register and ask a few questions from you guys.
Also is anyone willing to sell the book Tailless Aircrafts in Theory and Practise, I'd be interested in buying.

Also some updates on the image processing I've done to detect humans.

HOG detector successfully tested on a sample camera feed.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
