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Flight Sim software?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2015
Martensville SK
Maybe 15 or so years ago, I put a dedicated XP machine in the basement, bought a Microsoft "Force Feedback 2" stick intending to us MS software, but life got in the way before I could use it and XP machines...well, you know.

Our 12 YO really wants to learn to fly, but the only airplane I have access to and insurance on is stuck 2 provinces away, and not sure Mom and Dad would be all that crazy about real airplane instruction - and can guarantee you Grandma would put her foot down hard on the cost of that option. So, he found the stick and a couple of game type sim discs and it seems time to find a workable bit of sim software that is NOT "game" oriented. Where I left off was with MS Flight Sim, and I see there is a 2024 version of that available. Is this still the way to go, or is there some uber accurate and cost effective alternative lurking in the shadows. I particularly want to stay away from "shoot-em-up" stuff. Our girls were raised with some pretty aggressive "kill-em" games and we had piles of fun playing together, but these days we are supposed to be non violent, I suppose

OH: thinking of going with Logitech G Pro rudder and brake pedals, don't imagine that is too far wrong?