Well-Known Member
From the Department of Minutiae and Other Small Matters.
OK, so this is going to sound like a silly question coming up, but bear with me for a minute.
First, the setup: I have drilled all of the holes for my myriad spar pieces slightly undersized, and am about to ream them to final size. (Yes, I know this is more work than to just drill straight to a #21 hole, as is called out in Fred's wing instructions, but lets leave that aside).
My question is: should I deburr my holes before I ream them, after, or both? Now, I know that right about now you are probably rolling your eyes :
over such a trivial thing, but consider that there are almost 4000 deburring operations involved (~1900 holes, two sides to a hole). At one second per op, it will take an hour to do all of them. At three seconds, three hours. So if I only have to do it once, I can save a whole bunch of time (catch the pun there?).
See, not quite so silly after all!
It occurred to me that deburring before reaming could also reduce the net amount of material removed around the final hole. But that works only if a reamer does not leave a burr like a drill bit does.
So do we have any reaming experts out there?
The Other Bill
OK, so this is going to sound like a silly question coming up, but bear with me for a minute.
First, the setup: I have drilled all of the holes for my myriad spar pieces slightly undersized, and am about to ream them to final size. (Yes, I know this is more work than to just drill straight to a #21 hole, as is called out in Fred's wing instructions, but lets leave that aside).
My question is: should I deburr my holes before I ream them, after, or both? Now, I know that right about now you are probably rolling your eyes :
See, not quite so silly after all!
It occurred to me that deburring before reaming could also reduce the net amount of material removed around the final hole. But that works only if a reamer does not leave a burr like a drill bit does.
So do we have any reaming experts out there?
The Other Bill