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Building an Ultra Pup from plans

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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2016
Hillsboro, OR
I'm strongly considering building the "Preceptor" Ultra Pup. It seems to be the perfect blend of low stall, decent cruise, good useful load and range, 2 seats, low-ish build cost, VW power, simple construction, folding wings, and so on. I acquired the plans from the flypreceptor Yahoo group, so they're not "legit" plans, but since Preceptor is gone, and no way of buying plans, I don't feel so bad. The plans I have appear to be complete, and I have all the videos and "build manual", and I have a good ability to interpret the drawings.

Has anyone built an Ultra Pup from plans since Preceptor went under? I know I will have to fabricate the wing tanks, and buy spars from Carlson(I hope they stay in business).

I know legally I shouldn't call it an Ultra Pup, so a creative name is in order.

Are there any factors I'm not thinking of? There is a lot of knowledge on the yahoo group, but it's not too active lately to answer questions, unless they've already been addressed.

I'm also open to better alternatives, as long at they have similar specs, and are low cost/plans.

Ian Robb