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BMW motorcycle engines on eBay.. Help!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2014
Hi everyone!
It's my very first post and I'm really looking forward to learning from you all!:ban:

So I'll get right to the point.
From what I've read on this forum and some other websites as well I've come to the conclusion that using BMW motorcycle engines on airplanes is a very possible alternative to Rotaxs(with varying degrees of success). And yes, some look very very promising to a shallow-pocketed 20-year-old tinkerer such as myself!

So.. I buy a used motor on eBay..... And then what?:ermm:

A typical listing on eBay looks like this:

Now this is precisely where the problem starts for me. One can easily assume the vast majority of such sales come only with the engine itself without all the ancilliaries needed to actually run the engine.
Buying a whole bike complete with all the tiny nits and bits would be ideal but those are waaay to expensive.
At this stage I'm not even looking at things like PSRU(figure it out later), centrifugal clutch or destructive harmonics.

Simply put: How can I get the above motor running without buying a complete motorcycle? Any input would be greatly appreciated.

p.s Please excuse my English it's not my mother language.;)