After cutting up several sheets of heavy card stock, and finally some aluminum, I now have the basic plenums built. This is my first experience at forming aluminum, so be kind. There is more detail work to do. And I have questions. Should I add a small deflector at the lower front of each front cylinder to help direct the air up and over the cylinders, to cause it to be forced down through the fins of all four? I suspect that if I leave it as it is I will run cool on the front two and hot on the rear two.
Silicone baffling material and exhaust wrap will arrive Thursday. I have two 1" blast tubes coming off the back of the plenums - one for scat tube to the mag and one for the gascolator. Comments and suggestions are appreciated.
Silicone baffling material and exhaust wrap will arrive Thursday. I have two 1" blast tubes coming off the back of the plenums - one for scat tube to the mag and one for the gascolator. Comments and suggestions are appreciated.