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Airdrome Aircraft EIII actually part 103 legal?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2014
Hi everyone,

I’ve been reading vtul’s thread on part 103 legality with great interest. Seems like the general consensus is that wing loading greater than 4 lbs/ft^2 is about the maximum for a legal stall speed barring a super high CoL or high lift devices. AA states that its supposedly part 103 legal Eindecker is around 5 lbs/ft^2. The airfoil doesn’t look altogether that “Lifty” and I don’t see any flaps or drogue chutes. Is this another case of “optimistic” advertising or does anyone know of a legal AA EIII build out there? Their DVIII is supposedly part 103 too but that little tapered parasol wing looks even faster. Too bad if so, they’re both really neat looking Airplanes.
