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Aileron Hinge Design

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Ollie Krause

Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2020
Hi Homebuilt Aircraft enthusiasts,

I'm in the process of designing an ultralight aircraft for a high school independent study and have come to a gap in the opensource knowledge base I hope this post can shed some light on. I am in the detail design phase and am currently working on the structural layout of the wing. I unfortunately can't find much information on aileron hinge designs or any sort of naming standard for aerospace grade bearings. In other words, are there AN specifications for bearings? I would imagine that bearings would also need to meet some sort of mil spec rating as a locked up bearing could be catastrophic in flight. Regarding aileron hinges, I cannot find detailed information on how ailerons are typically attached to the wings. From looking around at some photos and videos, it seems like Belite just uses heavily greased bushings for their junker ailerons and Peter Stripol just uses piano hinges for his differential ailerons on his MK3 design. While both of these methods work, I was hoping to do something a little smoother like having the aileron torque tube rotate in a needle bearing. That being said, I have concerns on how much weight this would add and if it is necessary at all (simplicity is elegance). Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!