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wing fold

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  1. Debaker

    Biplane folding wings: plans, pictures, drawings?

    Hi everyone. I’m looking for plans, pictures, or drawings of biplane folding wings. I’m building a ragwing ultralight biplane and would like to modify the design so that the wings fold straight back with minimum difficulty—something like the DH60 Gypsy Moth: add a jury strut, pull a couple pins...
  2. Thatcher CX4 Wing Folded--closeup

    Thatcher CX4 Wing Folded--closeup

    Closeup view of CX4 wing fold fixture in folded mode
  3. Thatcher CX4 Wing Fold Ficture Montage

    Thatcher CX4 Wing Fold Ficture Montage

    Wing fold bracket and use, 6 images in one graphic
  4. Screenshot_2019-05-26 Yahoo Groups

    Screenshot_2019-05-26 Yahoo Groups

    Thatcher CX4 wing fold bracket closeup