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tapered wing

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  1. N

    How are ribs attached to the spars of a tapered wing

    Hi, I was wondering how ribs are attached to the spars in a tapered wing? I'm asking because in a rectangular wing the ribs and the spars are at right angles to each other but not in a tapered wing. Thanks in advance
  2. cluttonfred

    Sneaky tapered wings?

    The Sky Pup’s slightly tapered wing is made by joining identical front and rear half ribs to a tapered spar and using little strips to bridge the gaps over the top of the spar. That got me thinking about other sneaky ways to create tapered wings with simplified methods. Off the top of my...
  3. WonderousMountain

    How do you minimize turn drag/control input for a tapered wing?

    Wing specs Tail 62.5^2 Sa ~14.6 AR 10 AR 5 25" fuselage 300" span 100" 40" Root 24" 20" tip 16" CL~.6 cruise ~60 mph Mini-imp configuration. The airfoil hasn't been chosen yet. Does anyone know a...