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  1. J

    Designing/building a steel cage around the cockpit

    Hi Everyone, As a follow-up to my bubble canopy thread, this is something else I've been noodling: I was looking at the SAM Aircraft a while back and really liked the fact that it was an aluminum design with a steel cage built around the cockpit for crash protection. It got me thinking...
  2. birdus

    Welding different steels together

    I'm working on designing a tail wheel (the "brackets", not the wheel—is there a name for that?). I've got some 4130 and was hoping I could pick up some additional mild steel at the local metal yard to complete the assembly. Would there be a problem welding other steels to 4130? Specifically, I...
  3. base363

    Christmas - New Years Sale (Steel Tube Construction DVD)

    Enter code JRE13 in the notes and receive a $10 discount on my Steel Tube Aircraft Construction DVD. Offer good through January 5, 2014. Thanks! Index
  4. D

    designing root fittings for carbon spar caps

    Hello, I'm designing a 6m span wing for a 120 kilo takeoff weight. I'm designing to 6G positive 3G negative. Sketches are on electric car project (don't mind the name of the link, you can click through to the aircraft project). It's a high wing, strut braced halfway out, but the struts work...